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Welcome to Chronology and Chronometry Group of the Petrology and Metallogeny Department of the University of São Paulo State in Rio Claro (SP).
The Department has a wide-ranging program in several aspects of isotope geochemistry, including radiogenic as Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Rare Earth Elements, U-Th series geochronology and Low Temperature Thermochronology in apatite and zircon.
Research in Low Temperature Thermochronology and Isotope Geochemistry are integrated into a number of interdisciplinary areas such as igneous and metamorphic petrology, sedimentary geology, structure and tectonics, hydrogeology, economic and petroleum geology, geomorphology.
The aim of this webpage is to provide information about people, facilities involved in Low Temperature Thermochronology and Isotope Geochemistry.

Copyright 2016 nccunesprioclaro

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